Delivering holistic workers’ compensation risk management services.
Triad Group offers both public and private entities an opportunity to control risk and reduce claim costs by delivering a full-service and holistic workers’ compensation risk management program.
Triad consolidates all your program and administrative needs into one integrated solution. In addition to providing efficiency and ease through a single provider, our coordinated approach produces more value and is far less expensive than administering within your organization. You pay no more in total cost of risk than is absolutely necessary.
Triad coordinates a holistic risk management program to:
Manage your total risk exposure
Coordinate your claims management
Address your managed care issues
Provide state-of-the-art claims management information systems
Apply a range of integrated cost-saving services
To fully address your total risk across your workers’ compensation program, Triad will provide specialists in claim services, risk control, managed care and information services. To ensure all requirements are met and all appropriate resources are activated, Triad specialists become your representatives and act as a liaison with the medical and legal communities. These experienced professionals have the expertise to deliver prompt and accurate service while adhering to our stringent standards of excellence.
The highly trained professionals that staff our offices also live and work in the communities they serve. This creates a personal investment from our employees to respond to local issues and provide proactive client service.